ASID Members Took Charge on Capitol Hill

With The Leadership Experience: Presented by ASID in Washington, D.C., July 19-21, ASID took full advantage of the timing by offering attendees the opportunity to meet with their federal legislators as part of One Voice on the Hill Training and Hill Day (OVOH) on July 18. ASID staff worked with attendees to schedule meetings with their senators and representatives in the House to ensure a busy, productive day for everyone in attendance.

OVOH began with a kickoff from ASID Senior Strategic Advisor Susan Wiggins, CAE, Hon. IDC, followed by a training session with Key Advocacy that taught attendees to conduct an effective meeting and maximize their time with representations. New ASID VP of Government & Public Affairs, Bryan Soukup, Esq., provided a legislative update and issues briefing before equipping attendees with talking points and leave-behind packets for each of their scheduled meetings. Attendees then traveled to Capitol Hill for meetings throughout the day.

The main goal of OVOH was to build personal relationships between legislators’ offices and ASID members in their states and districts. ASID members discussed practice rights issues and referenced a recent hearing in the House Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development on “Occupational Licensing: Reducing Barriers to Economic Mobility and Growth,” an area that ASID GPA staff is monitoring on an ongoing basis.

The day ended with a reception in the Rayburn House Office Building where OVOH attendees mingled with representatives from member offices in a more informal setting. ASID CEO Randy Fiser, Hon. FASID, gave welcome remarks and thanked the attendees and hill office staff for taking the time to learn more about the profession of interior design.

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