
Key Design Outcomes

Occupant - Employees reported a 40 percent increase in their ability to concentrate and a 13 percent increase in their ability to work productively. Sense of community increased by 61 percent in the new space, and the sense of energy/buzz increased by 62 percent.

Space - Aligning the design of the space with the overall vision for the future of the studio, square footage was reduced by 50 percent (130 SF/person). Multiple breakout and collaboration configurations are supported by 52 desks for 71 employees. The average workstation utilization is 48 percent, with peak utilization at 72 percent, showing that employees are embracing the mobility program. An attendance study showed on average, 85 percent of employees are in the office on a given day. Space utilization and attendance data was measured via hourly data collection documenting space type utilization, technology use, number of people, and types of activity occurring throughout the space over 10 business days.

Organization - 96 percent of employees feel the space promotes collaboration and teamwork. During informal interviews, project teams said they have found it easier to work together and share knowledge. The most utilized spaces are the large conference room at 72 percent and community café at 51 percent, demonstrating collaboration and teamwork.

Environment - Using 100 percent LED lighting and a modular spacing design led to a lighting power reduction of 57 percent over the LEED code baseline. Using low-flow fixtures led to a 77 percent reduction in water use. Five core materials were chosen for their rapidly renewable, toxin-free qualities: aspen plywood, ceramic marker boards, homasote tackable surface, glass, and carpet. With a limited material palette, limited demolition, and limited new materials in the space, the project reused 55 percent of the building’s non-shell, nonstructural components. Focusing on salvaged, local, and certified materials, by value, the project reused 16 percent of construction materials and 68 percent of furniture. Fifty-five percent of materials were manufactured within 500 miles, and 97 percent of new wood was FSC certified. Overall, 16 percent of the total material cost for the project was salvaged and repurposed from the old office.